Click here for selected publications
16. Project Title: J. C. Bose National Fellowship - Second Term
Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board, DST, New Delhi
Category: Awards and Fellowships
Period: January 2021 - December 2025
15. Project Title: Inhibition of deiodinase 3 for treating neuropsychiatric disorder.
Funding Agency: Hadassah Medical Organization, Israel
Category: International Collaboration
Period: May 2017 - May 2018
14. Project Title: Prevention of eNOS Uncoupling by enzyme Mimetics: A Novel Therapeutic Approach for
the Treatment of Endothlial Dysfunction in Vascular Disease.
Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board, DST, New Delhi
Category: High-risk-high-reward/Core Research Grant
Period: October 2016 - September 2021
13. Project Title: Peptide Aggregation in Neurodegenarative Diseases:Inhibition of Oxidative Amyloid-beta
Aggregation by Antioxidant Nanozymes.
Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi
Period: December 2015 - March 2019
[The outcome of this project has been rated "EXCELLENT" by the committee]
12. Project Title: J. C. Bose National Fellowship
Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board, DST, New Delhi
Category: Awards and Fellowships
Period: January 2015 - December 2020
[The outcome of this project has been rated "EXCELLENT" by the committee]
11. Project Title: Peptide Aggregation in Neurodegenerative Diseases: Metal-mediated Tyrosine and
Histidine Modifications in Amyloid beta-Peptides.
Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board, DST, New Delhi.
Category: Regular
Period: March 2012 - March 2015
[The outcome of this project has been rated "EXCELLENT" by the PAC]
10. Project Title: AstraZeneca Excellence and Chemistry Award 2011
Funding Agency: AstraZeneca PLC
Category: Awards and Fellowship
Period: March 2012 - December 2014
9. Project Title: Development of selenazole drugs as a novel class of anti-cancer agents targeting the
immune regulatoryenzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase.
Funding Agency: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi
Category: Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund
Period: June 2011 - December 2014
8. Project Title: Glutathione Peroxidase and Peroxynitrite Reductase Mimetics
Funding Agency: DST/British Council
Category: Standard Research Award
Period: October 2009 - September 2012
7. Project Title: Bioinorganic Chemistry of Enzymatic Halogenations: Understanding the role of Redox
Active Metalloproteins.
Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi
Category: Swarnajayanti Fellowship
Period: October 2008 - September 2013
6. Project Title: Antibiotic Resistance and Zinc Hydrolases: Understanding the Role of
Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi
Category: Regular
Period: January 2008 - January 2011
5. Project Title: Anti-Thyroid Drugs and Thyroid Hormone Synthesis.
Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi
Category: Ramanna Fellowship
Period: August 2006 - July 2009
[The outcome of this project has been rated "EXCELLENT" by the PAC].
4. Project Title: Synthetic Selenium compounds as Mimics of Selenoenzyme.
Funding Agency: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany
Category: Equipment Grants - Flash Chromatography System
3. Project Title: Selenocysteine-mediated Native Chemical Ligation: Towards Total Chemical Synthesis
of Metalloproteins.
Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi
Category: Invited Proposal
Period: July 2004 - June 2007
[The outcome of this project has been rated "EXCELLENT" by the PAC].
2. Project Title: Application of Synthetic Organoselenium Compounds in Biochemical Deiodination
Funding Agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi
Category: Regular
Period: February 2004 - January 2007
1. Project Title: Chemically Modified Proteases: Mimics of Iodothyronine Deiodinases.
Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi
Category: Fast Track Proposal for Young Scientists
Period: June 2003 - May 2006
[The outcome of this project has been rated "EXCELLENT" by the PAC and subsequently awarded
Ramanna Fellowship].